Tempest Storm the Girl with the Fabulous Front!


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We celebrate our love of Tempest Storm burlesque queen. We find out why the crème de la crème of burlesque dancing sees her as an icon of the industry.

Tempest Storm Burlesque Queen

It won’t have escaped your notice that this year (2012) is a leap year! It also means that fabulous 50s burlesque beauty Tempest Storm celebrates her actual birthday on the 29th. We thought it only fitting to ask the wondrous showboy Cherry Loco about his long-time love for the legend herself!

Tempest Storm the Girl with the Fabulous Front!

In an industry which constantly throws around the term ‘empowerment’ 
without really understanding its meaning it is so important to pay homage to the superstars that came before. The Legends.

These were and ARE the artists and business women who, each and every burlesque performer working today, owes a huge debt of gratitude to. The women who were not only alluring, exotic and enthralling entertainers but also shrewd businesswomen, tenacious publicity moguls and craftswomen at getting ahead – regardless of background – in a business that was run by (and for) men.

Tempest Storm is a fine example of this; a beautiful and intelligent woman who has been performing for over 60 years.

“I’m not going to accept getting old. I’m still feeling young. I’m still able to go out on that stage.”

– Tempest Storm.

The 84-year-old (or 21-year-old if you prefer; she was born on 29th February on a leap-year) is still a class act. By the age of 17, she had already been married twice, suffered an abusive relationship at the hands of her small-town Georgia family and had fled to Hollywood to seek stardom as a showgirl.

It was there when bar-tending at the old Burbank Theatre, that Lillian Hunt stumbled across the Southern belle with the mane of orange curls and 44DD cup bra. Lillian Hunt was a respected and highly-acclaimed choreographer for the Los Angeles Follies Theatre at the time, already working very closely with Betty Rowland (another redhead “Ball of Fire”). The kind of woman who could transform a chorus girl into a headline star with great velocity. Enchanted by Tempest (then, Anna Blanche Banks), Lillian worked closely with the girl; making Storm her Sistine Chapel of the burlesque stage.

Tempest Storm had a natural lady-like grace and elegance which, when paired with Hunt’s vision became magic under the limelight. The duo created one of Storm’s most opulent acts; the recreation of Botticelli’s Venus. She’d rise in a nude-coloured leotard from an extravagant seashell and slowly put on her clothing.

“She is so strong, beautiful, elegant and sexy that I don’t know who wouldn’t admire her.”

Lou Lou D’Vil, Burlesque Hall of Fame – Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2013.

Tempest Storm

(Image from Music Direct)

Tempest Storm has never been a stranger to controversy having briefly dated Elvis Presley in the ’50s. The showgirl also had a 13-year-long marriage to Herb Jefferies; a star of black cowboy flicks at a time when interracial relationships were still considered a major taboo.

Ever the businesswoman, in 1953, she had her breasts (or “money makers”) insured for a whopping one million dollars by Lloyd’s of London. Now that’s dedication to craft.

With a career that has now spanned over half a century, Tempest Storm 
truly deserves her status as Burlesque Legend. She took American theatres by storm with her signature ‘walking’ style, to starring alongside Bettie Page in Irvine Klaw’s infamous Teaserama videos. She also took numerous roles in motion pictures and graced the Burlesque Hall of Fame stage in both 2006 and 2011.

 Although now retired in Vegas, Tempest Storm’s influence can still be seen in areas much further afield.

In fashion, a 2010 Harper’s Bazaar shot Karen Elson in a beaded nude body-stocking not dissimilar to one of Tempest Storm’s own costumes. Not to mention the model’s famed Storm-esque milky complexion and pre-Raphaelite hair.

In film, Christina Aguilera remarked in early press interviews for the 2010 Burlesque movie that she would be playing the lead role in the, “Tempest Storm movie.” She played a small-town girl who escapes her life to become a burlesque artist in Hollywood.

Tempest Storm remains a force of nature within the contemporary burlesque movement. She published her autobiography Tempest Storm: The Lady is a Vamp, consistently supporting new burlesque artists and being honoured on 
numerous occasions by the Burlesque Hall of Fame.

Tempest, I salute you!

“Tempest Storm is an inspiration and an icon of the burlesque world, a bejewelled fiery ribbon weaving through modern burlesque. I admire her dignity, her elegance and her rack. She’s who I want to be when I grow up.”

Anna Fur Laxis, Burlesque Hall of Fame – Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2011 1st Runner Up.

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The Tempest Storm Documentary

Dr Kaitlyn Regehr is one of the producers behind the new documentary,Tempest Storm: A Documentary which explores the life of the iconic (now) 88-year- old exotic dancer and why she’s now regarded as an icon of the neo-burlesque scene and getting the recognition she deserves.


How come Tempest has never told her story before?

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When I first met her, she had previously been very unsure about going on camera. In many ways she “revealed” a lot in her career but she was also a very private person. As a result, we are thrilled that she has decided to share her story with us – with all it’s beautiful intimacies, hardships and nuances.

Also, you have to remember that for women like Tempest, their bodies were their resource.

And she needed to be careful. People have taken advantage of her in the past – if you go online, you can buy Tempest Storm T-shirts, surfboards… the merchandise you can buy with her image on is incredible and she gets nothing from that. And that’s a product of a few things: the time when those images were created, the industry and especially the situation for a woman in that industry. It’s not happening to Frank Sinatra. And she’s very much a contemporary of his but definitely her estate has been treated differently.

What can we expect in this documentary?

Tempest has this incredible story of overcoming great adversity, where she experienced sexual violence at the age of 12 in rural and impoverished Georgia, runs away from a marriage at 14 – has two failed marriages before the age of 19 – but was pretty and had  ‘it’, and that allowed her to rise above all that.

And it’s been amazing working with her now and seeing how she chooses to live as a very young 80 year old woman.

It’s been especially interesting within the context of neo-burlesque and what it’s meant for women like Tempest in terms of this new life and new community. This is the first time she’s really got to meet her fans and spend time with them.

At the Burlesque Hall of Fame (BHoF), the relationship between the young neo burlesquers and the older generation of  – let’s be honest – strippers – is very unique. For other members of this this older generation (or what BHoF  calls Legends), were marginal figures form the mid twentieth century and now they are being celebrated as feminist icons by the neo community. There’s this mentorship going on and this caring relationship between these two generations. You have these rad tattoo chicks wheeling around these little old ladies, it’s wonderful – and relatively unprecedented.

What does Tempest hope for from this documentary?

kaitlyn tempest cotton fields

When I first met her, we discussed what she wanted. She really wanted to tell her story – and have some agency in that. And then after I had approached our director Nimisha, we all sat down and it just felt like the right time for Tempest to tell her story.

It’s hard for me to speak for her, I can only quote from things she’s said. ‘I Did It My Way’ is one of her favourite songs and so she’ll say ‘Heaven don’t want me and the devil gave up on me a long time ago, so I’m going to be here for a while.’

I feel like she’s a survivor and she did it her way. I believe that’s what she’d like to have come through in the film – and I hope it does.

With Nimisha (our director) and Lindsay (our cinematographer), we’ve been back to Georgia and met her family, which was incredible, we’ve been to LA together to see her ex-husband Herb Jeffries who was a big jazz singer, who sang with Duke Ellington – he was known as the Bronze Buccaroo, the Black Cowboy and when she married him, it was very difficult. There was a lot external tensions regarding the mixed race marriage.

She had a contract with MGM and they said if you marry him, we’ll drop the contract. She did and they did. You compare that to Gypsy Rose Lee who had a contract with 20th Century Fox and played by the rules, marring the “nice”, “normal” dental supplies salesman Fox wanted her to.  Tempest didn’t play by the rules.

So we flew her to go see him again, he was 103 and he died two weeks later. So that was the last interview he did – it was really emotional.

And then the Georgia trip was incredible because she wanted to go back to the cotton fields that she used to work in. We shot with her there – she wore this white flowing dress. She was beautiful. It was so interesting to see her in that environment because she just relaxed. She was grounded. She was at peace.

What would she say was the difference between burlesque then and now?

She would say it’s a completely different industry – and she’s correct. There’s two things going on now, the neo burlesque scene which isn’t really commercial erotic dance, and then there is commercial erotic dance as we know it today, which is framed very differently. There is no theatrical frame.

It’s a very different thing: back then there was no internet, so if you saw that a headliner was coming, you’d line up, buy a ticket and one individual would come on stage and a group of you would sit in the dark and watch that individual. Which is very different now, where there is no assigned show times, you walk in to a club and see a procession of (literally) rotating dancers and they come right up to you and climb into your lap. This is the progression of erotic entertainment. It has to constantly shift to remain exciting.

When Tempest first came to London she was asked to take off her G-string and she said, ‘We don’t do that in America’ but then she got back to the States and they were doing it. That’s the nature of erotic entertainment.

I always say that erotic dancing has basically gone from stage to lap to laptop, so it’s very different positioning for those entertainers. As a result now, it’s much harder for the women to gain the kind of fame Tempest had.

Can you see why she’s a star?

Oh yes. She’s clearly a beautiful woman. And she’s obviously still got a killer body. But beyond that, there’s something about her that’s very sharp and very sparkly – truly star quality.

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(Images from Kaitlyn’s Instagram)

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