British Burlesque legend Jo King talks about her experiences on teaching burlesque and why learning burlesque can make you feel great about yourself. (more…)
In our burlesque lessons series with British burlesque legend, Jo King, she shares the biggest mistakes burlesque dancers can make and how to fix them. (more…)
British burlesque dancer, Bettsie Bon Bon is a must-know feature of the London burlesque dancing scene. Let us introduce you to this wonderful woman and Burlexe bestie. (more…)
burlesque costumes British burlesque legend, Jo King aka Goodtime Mama Jojo shares her wisdom on how to pick the perfect burlesque shoes for you. (more…)
Our wonderful and wondrous burlesque guru, Jo King answers: what is burlesque? Goodtime Mama Jojo discuss’ whether burlesque is just stripping. (more…)
The doyenne of London burlesque, Goodtime Mama Jojo has joined us for the return of the Burlexe show and is also sharing her tips and experience. (more…)
For the past year, Goodtime Mama Jojo aka. Jo King burlesque superstar, has been taking a break from the world of burlesque. Now she has returned from Spain to pursue a new wave of projects… (more…)
The founder of the London Academy of Burlesque, Goodtime Mama Jojo is returning to the UK and our burlesque show. We had some questions for her. (more…)