Guide to Cheesecake Burlesque with Anna Fur Laxis

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Burlesque superstar Anna Fur Laxis reveals everything you need to know about Cheescake Burlesque; why, how and who are her favourite performers…

Cheesecake Burlesque

Why cheesecake burlesque? I have THE MOST fun performing cheesecake! It’s something I just can’t seem to switch off. Even my more “traditional” American-inspired bump ‘n’ grind numbers have cheesecake elements and I love to include tongue-in-cheek, slightly silly aspects in everything that I do.

What about the audience? How do they react to cheesecake over full on glamour? It is a different reaction. Because I associate cheesecake with humour, in specifically cheesecake acts, my main focus is to make the audience laugh, and that’s my absolute favourite reaction.

What’s your favourite cheesecake act to perform? What elements really excite you? We’re full-circle and back to Bettie Page again because my favourite act to perform in this style is my Bettie Page tribute number! I love to perform this number partly because with cheesecake, I think it’s 99% in the face, and this number really lets me play with my facial expressions. I won’t tell you why, though you’ll have to go watch the video or come to a show to see what I mean…”

Check out Anna’s perfect portrayal of Bettie Page below!

Check out our Guide to Showgirl Burlesque with Bettsie Bon Bon

Cheesecake Burlesque

What is cheesecake burlesque to you? “To me, cheesecake means upbeat, fun, cheeky, slightly silly, big-cartoon-eyed, innocent, playful exaggerated femininity,” Anna Fur Laxis told us.

“I don’t think it would surprise anyone who knows me if I say that my biggest cheesecake inspiration comes from Bettie Page. I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of looking at photographs and videos of her, she had an incredible energy which comes across even in still photographs and everything she did was infused with a playful edge – even her darkest bondage shots.”

Bettie Page

(Image from Bons Mots)

Who are your favourite cheesecake burlesque performers?Bazuka Joe of the Stage Door Johnnies is great at cheesecake. He has the perfect face for giving the audience cheeky looks and he’s very funny. The best glove peel I’ve ever seen is Bazuka’s oven glove removal. It’s funny, cute and sexy all at the same time.”

Watch Bazuka Joe’s towel striptease below!

“Recently I had the pleasure of working with Lada Redstar on a month-long run in Helsinki and I love the cheesecake side of her performances. Lada’s style is very charismatic; she has a very sexy, gentle cheesecake burlesque style and a disarming smile.”

Check out how cute Lada is in this interview!

“Another excellent cheesecake burlesque performer who springs to mind is Ryvita Von Cheese. I think people possibly think of her first as a Compère and Event Producer of The Wet Spot, but if you’ve seen her perform you’ll know how great her cheesecake is – she is very innovative with her ideas too. Like Lada and Bazuka, she knows how to make audiences fall in love with her.”

Watch our answer to: what is burlesque with the stars of burlesque below?

(Main from Miss Rain Photography)

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